Sunday, February 27, 2011


There are three things I love very much about my school. The Christian culture, music culture, and just the culture of the school. I mean the teachers are fantastic, and the way they give us so much freedom and time to choose to do what we want is amazing. I guess there are positives and negatives out of it, but right now I'm really loving it.

I mean the workload is crazy (hence the sporadic posts), but school's been fun to be part of. I'm in bad need of retail therapy/social therapy so if anyone's interested come bring me out! I really need a vacation before I go insane.

Anyway, my entrance exams are over and now I can finally read again! (If I can find the time). :) Heehee.

Wishing everyone a great week ahead,
Be blessed! (:

Cheers guys!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I have never felt so inferior in my life.

I hate it when it feels like everything is creeping up on you and you're thrown in a disarray of thoughts. When you're trying to piece together everything that's happening but the moment you're done a new piece comes in, and you don't just have to fit that piece in, you need to rearrange everything for that to fit. I'm perpetually sleep deprived and my brain has to be on full stream during school and it's just so tiring to not even know why I feel so emotionally drained. I need to catch a break.

I did finish all my work before 10 today though. This should be good stuff. :)

Sunday, February 20, 2011


This is going to be one long week.

It's funny February is already drawing to an end. The only comfort is that it's the shortest month. I'm really struggling over HL Math and I pray God bless me with the wisdom to be able to comprehend it like super super. I look forward to this week knowing there's something awesome in store for me (and you), and school's always quite exciting. Really blessed to have met a friend who can jam with me in school and I can flail about music over. :) I really miss all my SC friends and really can't wait to catch them again.

Other than that, I need retail therapy and wouldn't mind a manicure!

I am so tired of Singapore. I really am. We're all so busy we can hardly catch a breath, let alone have soul. It's a nice country though. I guess for what it's worth I'm fortunate to be here.

Have a great week guys!

Thursday, February 17, 2011


(Just to be clear, I'm no exception from giving into peer pressure, I'm no exception from judging others. I try, but I still fail. But, I feel like I need to say this: )

I don't think there has ever been a generation where the young people have faced such immense pressure to live up to "something" from their peers before. Peer pressure in this generation is absolutely insane. We are judged no matter what, and people's judgements are contradicting. We let loose and they say we're out of control. We are law abiding and we're called uptight. We dress well and they say we're pretentious. We don't dress well and we're shabby and can't be bothered. We don't do our work and people think we're lazy. We do our work and are automatically nerds. This list can go on forever.

Just what do you want from us?

I think the teenagers in this world are so amazing. I don't think there's been a group of youths who has ever faced this much pressure from so many directions. Our peers, our juniors, our parents, our teachers. We're constantly trying to please everyone, because even though we know we can't, we still don't like disappointing others, especially people we care about. We're under so much pressure to fit in, and even when we think we've fit in, we haven't. We're slowly losing this sense of individuality. We're becoming one, a homogeneous generation.

Stereotypes. Why can't I love sports and studying at the same time? Why can't I care about vanity and be intelligent? I'm not a stereotype, I'm not a number, I'm not a statistic. I'm a person. This is crazy. Although peer pressure isn't as rampant in Singapore, I believe it still causes a lot of stress to many young people out there. Low self esteem, pressure of going against what you believe in, fear of being bullied.

You are you. You are you, you are not defined by what you do, what grades you get, what your interests are. You are so much more than that, and it's okay to be just who you are. You were created as you for a reason, purpose. No one can change this, and you shouldn't feel the need to. Do what you want. You'll never get another chance. It is okay to be you. It's not just okay, it's beautiful. Society is ugly, but you aren't.

Don't live by what society expects of you. Live as yourself, live for yourself.

You are beautiful, every single one of you.

Monday, February 14, 2011


Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

I'd just like to say that to me, Valentine's day is so much more than just appreciating "the one", or your significant other. It's a day where we appreciate the love that everyone has given us. Okay, that should be appreciated everyday, but I guess it's a day where we outwardly express our thanks, and it's so much more than just a celebration of love in couples.

But in true Valentine's day spirit:
If It's Love - Train
"If it's love, and we decide that it's forever, no one else could do it better. If it's love, and we're two birds of a feather then the rest is just whatever"

You've gotta love Train.

But anyway, thanks to you for being in my life, even if I've just met you or been friends with you for ages, I appreciate everything everyone's done for me, and thank you everyone for changing my life and making it that much better. :) I hope today has been wonderful to you.

And to the most important, thank you God, for your Son, Jesus. Thank you, because that is the most amazing symbol of love, and nothing beats that. I know you love me more than anyone in the world can, and even though I can't love you back the same way, you're still don't give up on me. So thank you. :)

(IB is crazy. But I've finished my Chem IA and I feel like it's a humongous burden off my chest.)

Have a great week everybody!
+ Be blessed! (:

Sunday, February 13, 2011


IB has me up at 730 working on a Chemistry lab report. (IA). So if anyone has like, upbeat feel good songs (they can include billboard trash), please let me know a-sap! (University fair yesterday was hilarious. HAHAHAHAHA.)

James Blunt - Stay the Night
"If this is what we've got, then what we've got is gold"
(To all my friends).

I've actually got a lot I want to say, but I don't have the time nor concentration to put it down properly. So I will get back to that soon. Otherwise, I've been reading Perks of Being a Wallflower, and it's a really good book (though not so well written). It's very thought provoking and easy to relate too , so yes, a book worth your time.

I've still got a gazillion things to settle so my mind hasn't been at rest in the longest time. Can't wait for March Holidays which are still a mile and a half away. :(

Okay then,

Friday, February 11, 2011


This week's episode of Private Practice was so good. It really made me think a lot about what's black & white to someone may be completely grey to someone else, and at that point, you cannot judge the person who's shaking on his/her moral scale. (And of course its pure entertainment value never lets me down.)

Actually, since SJII, that's one thing I've been doing a lot more - thinking.

I miss shooting and miss being free. I mean, there's a lot of freedom in SJII, but you're still swarmed with work. I'm thankful it's Friday though. Over the past 7 days in the school though, I have developed a huge fear for HL Math (and HL Math classes.)

There have been far too many boring updates about my life. Sorry guys. But I hope everyone has been having a lovely week!


Thursday, February 10, 2011


I'm really digging The Script's Science & Faith (esp Dead Man Walking).

So with great struggle, I've finally managed to piece together what I hope is a coherent enough economics answer. I decided to screw the "plan" part because I had no idea what on earth was going on. So forget that.

Tomorrow's my free day! (Or the day I give myself off. So excited!!)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


(I'm stealing a post whilst doing my Chem (trial) IA).

So IB has been a crazy shitload of work. I'm going to get through these two years complaining because it makes me feel like I can cope slightly better. I guess the worst part of IB (for me) is the catch up. Lagging behind on syllabus can really affect what's being taught now, so it's kinda like a chain effect. Thankfully I'm almost done with the catch up. But still, the amount of work we get is quite a lot. Plus there's loads of independent learning, but the teachers are really brilliant and everything is taught so differently (it kinda screws with our minds).

Other than that, SJII has been really lovely. The people are extremely friendly and the atmosphere is so comfortable. They do things really differently and there's a large amount of autonomy in the school, which is brilliant (and comforting).

But my days have been exhausting.

I honestly can't wait for the two week March - April break to arrive and for me to bury myself with good books, good music and a good environment. Then I'll wait for the GSS to get good clothes. (Actually screw that, I can't wait till the weekend). Plus, I haven't gotten to swim the past two days. There's tennis tomorrow and Thursday is full. Earliest is Friday. Damn.

I hope everyone's been having a wonderful time in their new classes with their new subjects!! I can't wait to meet all my SC friends again though. (:

Have a blessed week everybody! (:

Friday, February 4, 2011


Hello again!

Firstly, Happy Chinese New Year everybody! I hope everyone's settling down fine in JC or enjoying their extended freedom. Yeah, so missing three weeks of school has been swallowing me alive, or not. Haha. I've been indulging in a gazillion shows, but I probably won't have the chance to do so anymore. Mm yes, I'll probably blog at a frequency of twice a week as well, but that's not too bad! I actually need serious self discipline. Hahaha, and I want to shop.

But anyway, I hope everyone's been enjoying their break cuz school kinda breaks into full swing after this right! I miss SC and TJ and everyone there though. :(


Tuesday, February 1, 2011


1. Pursue God:
Psalm 27:4-6 (NIV) One thing I ask from the LORD, this only do I seek: 
that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple. For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his sacred tent and set me high upon a rock. Then my head will be exalted above the enemies who surround me; 
at his sacred tent I will sacrifice with shouts of joy; I will sing and make music to the LORD.

2. Pursue Excellence:
(The parable of the 3 servants) Just like these three servants we also have been entrusted with gifts from God. God has left them in our hands, to be worked so they grow and increase and to be used for His glory. In the parable the first two servants work with what they have been given, and have more to show when the master returns. They are praised ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’ But the third servant buries what he is given, because of his FEAR he does nothing with the talents. His master says to Him ‘You wicked, lazy servant!.... So take the bag of gold from him and give it to the one who has ten bags. For whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them.'

(Excellence is not being the best, it's doing your best).

Be Blessed! (: