Sunday, July 31, 2011


I had an amazing week, but I don't have time to type it all now. Watch this space - it'll be up in two days.

For now:
Focus Hannah, focus. Get your head back in the game. Work hard through these 1.5 years and don't look back.

Saturday, July 23, 2011


Gone for a week, but I'll leave you with this:


Echo - The Hush Sound
"you were the navigator who never could lead/we were lost in the silver sea/i was the ship who was too proud to ever sink"

(i can't wait.)

Friday, July 22, 2011


You are not what I thought you were.

(2 half essays later, I haven't even begun to pack, or thought through what I need to pack. God bless me).


I hate how it's past midnight this Friday morning and I've got 3 essays waiting for me when I awake from my slumber.

Anyhow, I wrote this earlier today:

"Quite honestly, I’d tell you I love to speak to dreamers. Heck, if I had a choice, I’d be a dreamer. Sometimes I still am. Sometimes, but rarely. It’s so refreshing to talk to people who just believe the best in everything. The world is far from what it’s supposed to be, but it’ll get there, someday, they tell me. It almost paints a fresh coat of hope for me when I speak to people whose reality is not distorted by the cruelty and darkness of the world.

I’m not a full time dreamer, as I said previously. But I’m a full time hopeful. I believe in hope, I believe hope keeps people going. Faith, hope, and love. The hope in a better tomorrow keeps us living today. The hope of a better future pushes us to work hard, now. The hope in what we do not have, drives us to strive for it, now.

Whatever it is, please know this:
I believe in you."

Monday, July 18, 2011


I'll admit I'm not one to be easily impressed.

But at the same time, I'm not one to be unimpressed easily either. I may not like what you're doing, but being unimpressed is a completely different thing.

Then there's you.

"Heal my heart and make it clean,
Open up my eyes to the things unseen.
Break my heart for what breaks yours,
Everything I am for your Kingdom's cause.
As I walk from Earth into Eternity"

Still fighting, still pushing, but I'll get there. Wait upon Him. Wait.


Saturday, July 16, 2011


I realise that,

I don't so much need a holiday (although I'd like one), I need the discipline to turn down social events, because I know too many of those only tire me out. I need the discipline to just get off social networking sites because those too, tire me out.

What I need is alone time.
(and rest in God, labour into rest).

The fight isn't easy, but one day I'll cross the line.

I'm going on a semi-hiatus, because I know I'm only asking myself for trouble if I say I'm on hiatus.

To everyone who's been reading, I hope you all have been living a good life!

Cheers. :)

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Show me a hero and I will write you a tragedy.
- F. Scott Fitzgerald.

P.S: On that note, does anyone have The Great Gatsby to lend me?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Eh. I realised I should try to start on some work.

Anyway, Perfume is becoming terribly difficult to read through without me needing to puke every two minutes. This is something I'm going to have to work through. God help me.

The Lonely Forest.
Kinda big time epic.

Life. Stranger than we think.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


"You can take everything I have, you can break everything I am/Go on and try to tear me down, I'll be rising from the ground, like a skyscraper."

Demi Lovato - Skyscraper.

I've always been a quiet fan of Demi Lovato. I think she's got a lot of music potential in her, especially live. She's really raw with her music, in my opinion, even if it doesn't sell the most records and her other news always outshines her music.

But this is an amazing song. It really is.

We're all conquerors.

Sunday, July 10, 2011


I hate to-do lists. They always make me so stressed out. But, they keep me in check and going.

(Discipline and Self-Motivation are two of the most valuable traits I've cultivated a little bit more this year. I've still got a long stretch to go though.)

Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.

It's alright, it's alright. God's got His hand of protection on me. I shall trust in Him.

Friends have a place. I'm thankful for good friends, even in SJII.

I believe friends deserve to know. More than burdening others with our problems, I believe friends deserve to know. I signed up for helping my friends when I decided to be their friend. I prefer you tell me than suffer in silence. (Of course, it's a different story if you know your friend is already heavy burdened). Is it an issue of really not wanting to burden someone or pride? I mean, I don't expect my friends to have a solution for me, although it'll be a nice surprise if they did. But it reassures me a lot to know I'm not going through something alone. (I suppose the opposite is true - friends are here to celebrate for you when you do well. :) )

Retreat, Hannah.
Learn to retreat.

Saturday, July 9, 2011


Things I really need to learn:

1. To appreciate the beauty in every person
2. To focus on the good, not the bad.
3. Rest in His love - labour into rest.
4. How to switch off the computer.
5. How to disconnect from the internet
6. How to spend time with myself.
7. Stand up for what you believe in.
8. There's so much more than just this.
9. Always be content, never be comfortable.
10. Love - 1 Corinthians 13.

This world is beautiful - humanity, is beautiful.


"In your weakness He is stronger, in your darkness He shines through"

I love it when we pseudo joke about spending eternity with someone in Heaven, because I know it's the greatest blessing to have. :)

God is so good.


(I still have a lot on my mind - sleep seems to be the best solution. But I know He restores my soul and fills me with His perfect peace. Rest in His love, it is coming for me).

Thursday, July 7, 2011


My glorious summer days have been filled with some exercising, a trip to starbucks, playing with a string quartet, and meeting up with some of my favourite girls. More than that, it's been a time of refreshing/radical revival, and will continue to be so.

I've still got a tremendous amount of things to do - many at the top of my head. I've got to learn to let it all go, - let it all go. Rest in His love.

Now, I say - I can't believe 3 weeks have almost passed. I better get down to some work. Heh. It kinda sucks that all good things come to an end - but I guess it's the hope in tomorrow that keeps us going anyway.

I am so tired. Rest in His love, rest in His love.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


God is good, ALL the time.

Now, that changes things.

I pray this month will be a month of personal revival. If you can, please pray for me too. Thank you.

Be blessed!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Monday, July 4, 2011


Life, as it should be lived.

Today was beyond amazing. It was comfortable, and comfortable at a long stretch. Also, I realised Singapore water isn't that ugly, especially when mother nature's on your side. I love the toybox girls.

Btw, I saw this on tumblr today. "To create is to destroy." - Reminds me of a certain phrase by my favourite economist, "Creative Destruction" - Joseph A. Schumpeter.

I'm amazed, really.

Sunday, July 3, 2011


An excerpt of what MG Chan Chun Sing, (Walkover) MP for Tanjong Pagar said:
He repeated often his conviction that young people must ask less what the government can do for them and more what they can do for themselves, reported ST.

”Small problems or big problems, we always ask: What is the Government doing? There is a certain mentality (that makes me) worry. We can do much more to take charge of the destiny of our life than to ask, what is Government doing?"

I'll let you guys handle this one.
(I do look forward to 2016 though.)

My apologies, politics is in my blood.


I think behind every physical battle is a mental battle, and behind every mental battle is a spiritual battle.

(I'm not even referring to spiritual as in God, but literally the soul.)

i. You know it's a good day when you can sleep from 2pm to 5pm.
ii. Still trying to wreck my brain around Keynesian macroeconomic, IT'S REALLY STRANGE.
iii. NAIRU - Non Accelerating Inflation Rate of Unemployment.

Anyway, Jiahui recommend a good website -

Hannah Schumpeter Lui. ;)

Friday, July 1, 2011


I swear, when I watch C.L.I.F. and they keep finding dead bodies I'm like ... "you can't be serious". Then every other day a dead body is found floating here and floating there. So, now I get it.

Anyway, tonight was amazing, and in one word, comfortable. It was the kinda comfortable company I haven't felt in ages. Everything felt right. Really right. Frivolous talk about anything and everything filled the atmosphere and the strange lights going on and off; comfortable silences and the craziest laughter.

I still lack sufficient sleep, sufficient water, sufficient exercise (now know why I'm always sick?), and sufficient veggie. More than that, I lack enough reading, thinking, and writing. But tonight was amazing, and I was so thankful how it all came together in the end.

"This too, shall come to pass"

Keep believing.

PS: I tried spending my way out of debt today (sound familiar?) - it didn't work.