Sunday, April 28, 2013


There are one of two things you should have, I realise, that'll help you succeed. 

Drive, or sheer brilliance. 

I quite envy people with an insurmountable amount of drive, the drive that doesn't come from pure ambition, but rather - purpose, calling. The drive that allows you to conquer every mountain, and to pick yourself up after every failure - because God knows - we're gonna fail. 

Sheer brilliance is fun to watch. I like to believe everyone has been given at least the potential of sheer brilliance in a certain category of their life. Some never find it, some instantly do, and some just can't be bothered to work towards it. 

I like watching exceptional people. People who are either so good at what they do, or so determined about what they do. It's refreshing to see people so full of spirit. 

Also, I've noticed, on a rather unrelated strand - people are so unhappy nowadays. 

Monday, April 15, 2013


The past week has been a little dry and a little disappointing - I spent most of it wondering "when am I going to live an exceptional life" / "what can I do so I'll live an exceptional life"

Without realising this:

I already live an exceptional life.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


I love the Lizzie Bennett Diaries - and everyone should watch it because it is the cutest thing ever, but I take issue with people who are suddenly on this Lizzie/Darcy ship like it wasn't the most established thing since a gazillion bagillion years ago, okay - actually, 200. 

I mean Jane Austen is the most amazing author every and Pride and Prejudice will remained forever etched in our hearts and a youtube adaptation should not overshadow that. 


I'm so please I'm going to Bath in the end hehe. But yes I still have not had enough time to settle down and clean my room and journal and read because I fell sick and yez. 

Thursday, April 4, 2013


I have a lot to be thankful for. It seems like poor taste to list it, but for the sake of my memory, I shall. 

1. I'm going to a good university. It may not be Oxbridge or the Trinity in the states, but it's good, and I believe it'll lead me to good places. 

2. I have a good job. It may not pay the best, but I am in no lack, I love the environment - and I look forward to it. 

That's about it for now, really. But my life has been full of blessings, full of favour, full of adventure. My first trip to Bali is at the end of this month, followed by Sabah at the end of May, hopefully Legacy at the end of June, Melbourne at the end of July and Hong Kong some time in August - before finally heading off to the UK in September. 

Good times, good times.

Most of all, I must say, I'm grateful for the best family and amazing friends who keep me company through everything, from daily ranting sessions to university (see ya in the UK friends !!), and keep me looking forward to everything. I'd sincerely have no idea what life would be like without people that matter to you. 

Thinking of getting myself the iPod classic. Hmm.