It's interesting, because the more indifferent, callous and jaded I become, the more I see myself remembering and believing in all that I used to, and still does make me.
The belief in the potential of each human, the belief in humanity, the belief that we can always go further, do better, that we're not a lost cause. Not this bunch of teenagers abused by the expectations of society, not this school of humanity. That we can, in twenty years, make the world, or at least our individual communities a better place, and hope, just hope, that this combined effort will be enough to make a difference.
Fear Apathy, then Reject it.
There is this creature that lies heavy in the soul-a wicked thing with an insatiable appetite. It entangles itself with the nerves and bathes in the blood. It nibbles at the marrow and gnaws at the vacuoles. It laps at the rate and erodes the embitterment. It sinks its serrated teeth into the anguish until there is no more. Not one thing. Of all the parasites, it is hardest to rid. Apathy, I beg you please run far away from me. I long to feel again.
- paperbulletsofthebrain@tumblr, on mols@tumblr
Apathy is seeing the climate go out of control, see singapore go through a temperature range of 10 deg within a week, see icecaps and glaciers melting, see animals suffering, see humans go through horrible famines and suffer through the increased natural disasters, and then blame it on factors we can't control - the sun, the earth's orbit, ice ages, when it's pretty clear that human activity has contributed to a hell lot of what the world's become.
Apathy is having double digit economic growth in China and India, seeing the world develop like never before, seeing more and more people become so rich, so fast, and then ignore the lost, the last, the least, when we've never before had the resources to help them, like we do now. When media has never been so powerful, when the world has never been so aware.
Gratitude camp.
But I suppose, at the end of the day, the question really is, what am I doing to reject apathy?
(Because it always starts from ourselves)