You know, life isn't easy.
No, I mean - it. really. isn't. easy.
Day after day we're filled with what the system expects of us - we go to school and we learn, we interact, we come home, we do what's expected of us, by our parents, our teachers, our friends. It's not an easy place to live in. Each day is filled with the same routine, and even though the world has agreed education gives us the best future (and boy, I'm not arguing with that), it still gets tiring.
Then there's the battle between yourself, and amongst yourselves. Everyone's trying to shine - to be bright, to be the best, to be recognised, to be accepted. (Maybe, at the end of the day we're just yearning for love). We fight against each other for the spotlight, we fight against ourselves because we don't want to believe we are that ugly. We fight for our ambition, vanity, ego. We fight against our ambition, vanity, ego.
After that, there's still that battle of self vs. society - as if the previous one wasn't enough. Some of us, we're all consumed with dreams, passions - you know, the ideas we love that society tells us to give up on. The dreams we could imagine chasing our whole lives, and still not giving up, not being unhappy because we - we fought for what we believed in, we still fight for what we believe in.
But at the end of the day (man, I really, really hate that phrase) - if we just put our ego aside for one tiny bit. If we stopped trying to climb that ladder (social, corporate, whatever you call it) for one small moment. If we didn't care about pretenses and how we had to hide our imperfections. If we put it all aside, and for one small, small moment - supported each other, encouraged each other, fought for each other. If we let the small things pass - if we didn't comment on how her shoes didn't match her stunning dress, how he spelt one word wrongly in his otherwise perfectly written essay.
I'm so sure; so infinitely sure - this world would be a much grander place.
(ps: this world? it is already beautiful. you just can't see it yet.)