There are one of two things you should have, I realise, that'll help you succeed.
Drive, or sheer brilliance.
I quite envy people with an insurmountable amount of drive, the drive that doesn't come from pure ambition, but rather - purpose, calling. The drive that allows you to conquer every mountain, and to pick yourself up after every failure - because God knows - we're gonna fail.
Sheer brilliance is fun to watch. I like to believe everyone has been given at least the potential of sheer brilliance in a certain category of their life. Some never find it, some instantly do, and some just can't be bothered to work towards it.
I like watching exceptional people. People who are either so good at what they do, or so determined about what they do. It's refreshing to see people so full of spirit.
Also, I've noticed, on a rather unrelated strand - people are so unhappy nowadays.