Saturday, August 4, 2012


pick up.

it feels good. 

- i can't really process this in words right now, especially since i'm trudging through matrices and vectors in hope of a 7, but yes, - i'm learning to first do things out of intrinsic love for them - to protect my happiness first (this is not a selfish statement - if you don't protect your happiness, who will?). i'm in no state to help others when i'm falling apart. 

(this is just the aftermath of revalation). 

"one day, child, you will realise why you went through everything you did, you will understand how everything has been intrinsically woven to work for your good." 

can't wait to get back to shooting/writing music/writing/spending time with great people/listening to great stories

but for now - for now, the next 14 days. 

let's do this. 


(ps: watched a couple of ted talks, - the people should never fear the g'ment, the g'ment should fear the people. really.) 

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