Saturday, September 22, 2012


this, in two parts:

a) inspire-

Today, for a school based interview workshop, we were asked to bring something that inspires us. This is a tall order. Not because there isn't anything to bring, but because every damn thing in the world inspires me. 

When you really get down to thinking about it, it becomes quite amazing really. This world is such a wonderous place and the people are beautiful and just realising that, just, being awestruck or held in wonder leaves you just inspired. And I think I marvel at the serendipity of events (of course knowing it isn't actually serendipity), and how perfectly everything fits together and just works. It's quite amazing. 

b) blessed beyond measure

This week has been an infinitely great week - from a surprise bump up of a grade, to doing well in mock tests (quite important, really), to just seeing applications come together, to an exciting piece of news and father-daughter bonding, it's just been a brilliant week and my God is so good and so faithful and

But as I was walking home the other day, I realised that none of this would matter if I ain't make it to heaven. But o'cuz, I know I've got so much because I've got a good God in heaven lookin' out for me. I guess the take home message was never forget - kingdom minded is our aim. 

It's been a good week, and I hope everyone has been having lovely ones too. Life gets tough, but it's so, so beautiful.


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