Wednesday, May 22, 2013


I am at changi airport terminal 1 with a good friend of mine to meet a good friend of ours in Sabah, Malaysia.

I funded the trip myself with an exception of a little bit of money my mum gave to me to spend, by working at a job I really love and tutoring a boy I really like to teach.

I sit here in extreme gratitude for this is a lifestyle I would really like to live, and to think at 18 I am getting to live it already is just blows my mind. I started travelling semi independently at 16, and less so now.

I'll be heading to the UK to study at the end of the year for 4 years, and ideally, after that, I'd love to start my own business and keep on travelling while building my Saviour's kingdom.

There's a lot on my mind and I'm so immensely blessed I find it hard to take in.

I'll be boarding now, so I'll catch you when I'm back.

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