Saturday, March 30, 2013


this post is in II parts:


You are more. Not just you, but you too. 

The world seems to miss soul and substance. They go for what they can see, results, performance, cars, houses, clothes (or the lack of it). They head for temporary highs - drugs, alcohol. I have friends so full of life, full of love and full of belief in the better who are made to feel like rejects, failures. They can live their whole lives not knowing their worth because the world's standards are so false, deceptive. 

I know people who just. don't. have. an. identity. They don't know who they are, or whose they are, or what they're here for (without purpose). It's not easy to live like that, it really isn't. But your value isn't in what you can or have achieved. It's in who you are. You are intrinsically valuable. 

I am grateful I can share amazing conversations over a cup of coffee, as well as a glass of champagne. I am grateful I can disagree with people yet have a conversation that goes somewhere, because everybody is different and has a different point of view. I am grateful I have friends who remind me at the end of the day, no matter how many medals you win, cars you buy, times you lose or days you fail, all that matters is Jesus. That I belong to Him and that is enough. 

Above all, I am grateful I know who I am, whose I am, and everyday, I'm growing in the revalation of what I'm worth. 

And I hope you do too. Because you are so much more than you think you are - you are not measured in the grades you get, the school you go to, and the dollars you earn. 


I work in a cafe - and it is an amazing experience.

Everyday I am learning so much more - the simple demographics of our tiny nation, I see people I want to be friends with (and give extra tags to), to people I simply can't stand - because of prejudgement. I wonder if I got to know them and find out what's at the depths of their soul, I'm sure we'd connect on the same level. 

More than that, I'm learning empathy and compassion. I love staring out and seeing who's here, who's who, and seeing how people interact.

I love seeing happy people come into the cafe. I'm not saying we should always be happy, but I see so many people out with family mostly, some with children, some just as couples, so sad and so grumpy and I wonder if they are truly happy, if on a day out with people you're supposed to love the most, you are still unable to smile. But joyful ones really make my day. I mean they just look like they've got a whole lot of sunshine and put it in their pocket. Brightens my day. 

I think we're all too afraid to be honest. We hide behind masks and perfect everything before we present it, we hide our scars and patch up our broken hearts. But we're all broken, we're all searching, and we could all do with a little more love, and a little more honesty - because that's where we'll find the heart of others.  

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