Sunday, March 31, 2013


Have you ever walked your streets early in the morning?

It's pitch dark, well, almost - yet the skies sing a different tune than what it does late at night. It sings of redemption and a new day, where no matter what happened before, it's a chance to start again. When the town's vice has all been said and done, at least for that day - and the city is starting to awaken.

The sky then starts to do a funny dance. Half of it starts to light up; hues of the sweetest blue and purple make their way to the front amongst streaks of clouds. The other half is still dark though. I suppose it'll take it's time.

Soon the sun will be coming out. A hot, orange glow in all it's glory. The sun is amazing if you think about it. We survive because of this one object. Light, heat. One source.

I used to wake up early for sunrise service on Easter Sunday at my old church. But now I find myself awake at 630 to trudge to Buona Vista for 830 service. Iris said my bus would take 19m to come, and I contemplated cabbing to the nearest MRT station, but decided against it.

I guess it's because God wanted me to see the colours dancing against the canvas of the skies, and if I'm lucky (I don't actually believe in luck, but for the lack of a better word), maybe to even see the sunrise.

It's Easter - it's redemption, it's Jesus risen. It's the once and for all forgiveness of my sins, 2000 years ago, before I even knew I existed. It's his majesty, awesomeness and love all in one.

(I didn't plan this post. It was spontaneous. I stared at the sky and wondered why I had such inspiration so early in the morning. Now I know why.)

On a day my soul is empty (or full, or I'm between) I'll find it in myself to take a walk to the beach to watch the sunrise.

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