three hundred - sometimes I just like the way the word "hundred", and "three" for that matter, not "tree", rolls off your tongue.
You get to this point where you realise that you, ultimately, are you - you are your own person. With the exception of God, and again, this depends on how close you are with Him, it really is you. You, your soul, your mind, your thoughts, your heart. It's you.
The fact we have a soul amazes me. The fact we're more than beating hearts, breathing lungs, blinking eyes - the fact that we feel, we react - it's more than the 5 senses. That things move us. I mean come on, there's gotta be someone who gave us life. It'd be a huge step for me to consider that the entire universe came to being by accident, but if I had to, I could perhaps, for a moment, think about it. But an accident giving us life? Giving us separate, unique, individual identities? No accident could have ever created that.
So you are you - you are you and as much as life is meant for sharing, meant for letting people in and people letting you in, your soul is not transferrable. Or not fully transferrable. You experience it. Just you. Then you translate it. Some people understand your language a little better than others, some not so well. In the end, it is you.
I hate that I've gotten to a point where you've started to annoy me. I was trying to fight it, but I can't. Maybe it's a defense mechanism, maybe I get genuinely annoyed. But always, I'll be wishing you nothing but the very best in life.
I came back from work extremely tired and more emotionless than not - it surprises me that my mind is still operating, and feeling far from happy, I could still feel joyful and content. I'm starting to learn how joy is a virtue, happiness is an emotion, and faith overrides feeling, two hundred and twenty four percent of the time.
So hello you - I don't know if we've met, or if we will meet. But I'd like to get to know you - anyone, everyone. I want to know what makes you angry. What really, really angers you. What stirs up these emotions of irrational fury in you. I want to know what makes you happy. Not happy happy, but ecstatic. You know, for that one moment where you feel nothing can get you down? Where you're invincible. I want to know what gets you thinking, what gets you passionate, what gets you moving. What it is that hits you and you suddenly feel you. have. to. do. something. You can no longer lie indifferent, the apathy is gone. I want to know what you're living for, who you're living for - who you love, what you love, and what you would like to have done before your time on this amazing, amazingly beautiful planet is up. I want to know you, fellow human, in all your imperfections, flaws, strengths and rawness.
Because honestly? That's where the deepest beauty is found.
I want to know what makes you a miracle.
Because you are.