Wednesday, January 16, 2013


6 years ago, when I was 12 or 13, I told a friend 9 years older than I am that I wanted to do politics. To that she told me the landscape was too boring and that there were no prospects. Maybe in a few years, she said, but again she was uncertain.

Look at us now. 2 years, 4 elections, and only a 60% overall vote share for the incumbent.

I s'ppose the key of david worked since years ago. I've a bit more to say on the by-e (II), but that will wait because I am at work and it's pretty ideological.

So, as I was saying - a four cornered fight. (Is anyone up for the Hustings? I'd really like to attend a RP and WP one!) 

Ideologically, a 4 cornered fight makes sense. Given that the value of a democracy is intrinsic within a democracy because of the choice it brings, and not in its consequence (I dare say a democracy is one of the least efficient political systems), the more the merrier - or so we would think. On K Jeyaratnam's logical, you can't fault him there. He has the right to contest, and even the two independent jokers. It's about choice and presenting that.

Of course, thinking purposefully, intentionally or consequentially, a 4 cornered fight makes no sense. There's no constructive input of anything - I get you, Mr. K, but building up a political party takes time - don't meddle in the affairs of others, not just yet. And this opposition unity thing really isn't such a bad idea. After all, it's the same Singapore we're fighting for yes? 

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