Friday, January 18, 2013


I thought I drank decaffeinated coffee, but it feels pretty caffeinated. 

1. I have the best family in the world. Wouldn't trade it for anyone or anything. 
2. I have the best friends in the world. To go from school to school and keep who's important to me, I honestly couldn't have asked for more.
3. I had the best pre U education in the world. Oxford or no oxford, I wouldn't have changed a thing. 


This is what I see: souls are tired, people are jaded. There's so much more to live for, so much more to do that will really make you happy, but we can't. We're too busy trying to survive we forget to live. We're too hard on everyone else because we're simply having a bad day. Nobody is at fault really, it takes a lot to make it here. But it's beautiful. This earth we live on, this planet we've been given - it really is amazing. Heaven will be even better, but until I get there - #herewego. Love a little, you'll be loved much more in return. Honestly, probably 5 of you will read this tomorrow - but treat yourself to something nice, and have a good day. :)

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